This Company is Changing the Game for Young Women in Tech

Over the last year, our team at Behere (85% women!) has worked relentlessly at our mission to provide support and a flexible foundation for women. We’ve had the opportunity to speak with thousands of amazing women, as well as numerous female-focused companies that share this goal.
One of the core values at Behere is supporting other female-focused initiatives that provide education and support for women following their passions. Our team knows all too well that for women, it can be intimidating getting involved in the tech world or putting yourself out there to learn about it. Our CEO, Meesen Brown, has shared some of these challenges that come with entering a male dominated industry.
So when we came across #BUILTBYGIRLS she immediately fell in love with the concept and wanted to become more involved, noting, “I wish something like this existed when I was a younger, it’s such a great resource for young women interested in learning more about tech.”
Recently, our team had an chance to chat with the #BUILTBYGIRLS team and learn more about their mission and how we can help inspire and encourage more young women in tech.
Read our chat below and learn how you can get involved in helping provide inspiration, education, mentorship and guidance for young women in tech.

Tell us, what is #BUILTBYGIRLS?

#BUILTBYGIRLS is a social impact brand developed in 2014 to build up the next generation of leaders in tech – who just happen to be girls. We were created to show young women the endless possibilities for a career in tech.

What is the mission at #BUILTBYGIRLS?

#BUILTBYGIRLS is every future tech leader’s secret weapon. At a moment in time where everyone is talking about girls in STEM, we recognize that code is just the beginning. We help young women step boldly into their first career through community, 1:1 professional guidance, and practical resources to help her land her dream job.

young women in techWho exactly is #BUILTBYGIRLS for?

All young women.

Why it #BUILTBYGIRLS so important, especially for young women in tech today?

There is a huge lack of diversity in tech, which is not only greatly affecting the current landscape but also the future of this industry. Young women don’t see themselves in this field and those who are bold enough to break into it often don’t last long.
#BUILTBYGIRLS exists to embolden young women to step confidently into their tech career. We exist to be that community for her, so she perseveres and understands the endless opportunities for a career powered by tech.

Want to get involved?

Join us in helping young women see the possibilities for a career in tech! Become a #BUILTBYGIRLS Advisor so you can share your career trajectory and embolden the new wave of tech leaders.

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Images and words courtesy of #BUILTBYGIRLS.