
How Millennials Are Changing The Workplace Through Flexible Work


Millennials receive a lot of criticism but it’s not all warranted, especially regarding the job market. Millennials are redefining the way we work, benefiting the employee and the employer. Employers now need to hire millennials that are driven, tech-savvy, and have a desire to learn. This often means updating company practices to attract them.

We dove into some things many millennials consider ‘non-negotiable’s’ to pinpoint exactly what they look for in a role…



Almost half of all professionals have left a job, or considered leaving, because it lacked flexibility. Millennials want to manage their work/life balance, making flexible hours, vacation time, and location key. This is important because happy, healthy employees with lower stress levels are considerably more productive. Companies like Patagonia are ahead of the curve, allowing workers to plan office hours around outdoor activities, as long as their goals are met.

Working Remote

A study by Leadership IQ found that people who work from home are 87% more likely to “love” their job. Decreasing commute time adds to employee happiness and allows more time for productivity. Also, remote employees are twice as likely to work more than 40 hours a week on important tasks.

A key reason employees want flexible work options is to travel more. People who travel develop excellent critical thinking skills, meet people from diverse backgrounds and are better communicators.

Abandon the Desk Job

Social media, mobile devices and Wi-Fi have made the typical office desk job unnecessary. Sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day is unhealthy, and millennials are looking to break this norm. Working from anywhere results in more fulfilled workers with fewer health problems.

Avoid Boring

Creating an environment where people enjoy the work they’re doing and company culture is crucial for employee retention. Ensuring employees are challenged, learning and applying skills is key to a fulfilling career. This includes additional education and training assistance as a perk that millennials are looking for.

Teams can help attract millennials to energizing environments by offering flexibility, the ability to travel, and strong work-life integration. Establishing a team and strengthening it, regardless of being in-office or remote, helps create a more productive organization.

Culture is Key

Many organizations now focus on nurturing a unique culture that attracts and retains great people. They believe in providing a powerful culture that unites, engages and inspires the employees. By offering opportunities for growth at work, employers work to keep employees happy. These opportunities include training, certifications, attending experts’ workshops, etc..

Be Flexible

Another strategy for employee retention is flexibility. By offering flexible working, companies help employees better balance their work and personal lives. This has a very positive impact on employee satisfaction and retention. 

Overall, the way we work is changing. As millennials quickly become the largest part of the workforce, employers need to adapt. Organizations will need to work to recruit young, informed employees by abandoning rigid practices of the past. Workplace flexibility and remote work will benefit companies as a whole. This will foster happy, healthy and productive employees.

And those are the environments millennials want to work in.

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Written by Katie Tatham
A Vancouver based traveler, foodie and outdoor enthusiast. Connect with her on IG @kltatham.