Today, post-secondary education is very common, and many millennials look for work right after graduation. So what sets apart a great employee, from the others? One thing is almost guaranteed: travel. This applies to everyone, but even more so, for women. Women who travel make better employees because, these women bring valuable skills they gained while traveling, to the workplace.
Here’s why women who travel make the best employees:
They’re the best problem solvers.
Women who travel, especially alone, develop the ability to solve any problem they encounter. When in a country where you don’t speak the language, navigating can be intimidating, but it’s something travellers are used to. Trains are closed for the day? They’ll find a bus. Arriving in a city late at night? They’ll research the quickest way to reach their accommodation safely. They’ve come to realize any problem can be solved with some quick thinking, and they’ll bring this to your team.
They’re independent and confident.
It takes a woman with these qualities to leave their comfort zone, and once they go, these traits strengthen. There is nothing more empowering than navigating through a country on your own, knowing you can take on whatever comes your way. When they’re back in the office, they have the confidence to take on tasks with little direction, self-motivate, and self-start, all extremely valuable qualities in an employee.
They’re good with people.
Part of traveling is meeting people, whether it’s locals or fellow travellers, and women who travel develop excellent interpersonal skills. When women first start travelling alone, it can be very intimidating to talk to people they don’t know. But it quickly becomes natural, and employers will likely notice female travellers ease quickly into the interview process, because talking to someone new is common for them. This translates into their work, making them good communicators and a great team member.
They’re eager to learn.
Travellers are curious about the world, and looking to gain knowledge of a culture other than their own. This open-mindedness allows them to absorb new information, and search for new ways to learn whenever they can. These women never want to be bored, and are always looking to be engaged. When they’re on your team, you can count on them to look for a different perspective and a challenge.
Women who travel make excellent employees, who are ready to rise to a challenge and self-manage. Like all millennials, female travellers are looking for flexibility in the workplace , so employers need to work to retain them. Hiring quality employees who have gained these valuable skills will create a strong, dynamic team that can work together to drive your organization forward.
Written by Katie Tatham – @kltatham