More Women Are Working Remotely – Here's Why Flexibility is the Future

In today’s evolving workplace, employees are looking for positions that go beyond the typical corporate office. They want roles that cater to their desire for flexibility. As demographics change in the markets, the desires and demands of workers are developing, and many employers are taking note.

In a study by Harvard Business Review, American workers ranked flexibility as a close second to health benefits, demonstrating how the typical 9-5 is on its way out. As it should be. Employees who work from home are 87% more likely to “love” their job, found a study by Leadership IQ. While companies like Yahoo have very publicly abandoned remote work, it is still on the rise in the US.

As millennials become the largest group in the workforce, the desire for work-life balance is forcing companies to reevaluate practices.

Millennials are demanding more flexibility in their work and more than half of all professionals have left a job, or considered leaving, because it lacked flexibility. Companies must embrace the challenge of maintaining company culture and productivity, while retaining talent and recreating the corporate structure. More companies are adapting to these demands, as happy, healthy employees with lower stress levels are considerably more productive. Young people are redefining the way we work. They’re doing this through a desire to establish work-life balance, create experiences, and advance their careers.

The rise of the digital workforce is a main factor in the shift away from the office job.

The job market is no longer local, and the hiring pool can be global thanks to technology. Since we have the ability to work from anywhere, the need for traditional office space decreases. With 50% of the workforce projected to be Millennials by 2020, the younger generation is ready for this change and embracing new environments that are outside of the comfort zones of most Boomers. Millennials are also more interested in an entrepreneurial career path, with 67% of students looking to start their own business, rather than the 13% planning on working their way up to a CEO position.

These rapid, substantial changes have many advantages but one demographic that predominantly benefits? Women.

Women looking for positions that allow for family time, travel and flexibility, in particular. Romy Newman, founder of Fairygodboss, an online resource for women in the workplace, told us, “For female jobseekers, work-life balance is paramount. Companies that understand that women have families and create boundaries for family time and commitments are highly prized”.

The key to finding these companies and positions? Companies that are run by and hire women. “Women should look for the presence of other women in the organization. Knowing women achieve leadership roles and remain engaged with the organization is a sign of a women-friendly organization,” Newman explains.

With a swiftly changing job market, how do women fit in?

While technology brings many benefits, automation can be a double edged sword. On one side, it provides efficiency and mobility, but it can also result in a loss of jobs. Office and administration positions are the most likely threatened by automation, and are also predominantly held by women. With a loss in jobs, the fear is that the gender gap could widen, especially in industries like tech.

Currently, many women are not being offered the flexibility to pursue their career while raising a family. A Pew Research Center study found that 51% found it more difficult to advance their careers while being a mom, while only 16% of men agreed. In the same study, 42% of mothers cut back on work hours for family, but only 28% of fathers did.

Even so, these stats shouldn’t instil fear for the future of work. Instead, they create opportunity for women to gain skills and seek leadership positions. While companies need to embrace flexibility and allow all employees to make time for family. 

Entrepreneurship and remote work offer a clear spot for women in the workplace.

The US workforce is projected to be 40% entrepreneurs by 2020, and women can carve themselves into that number according to a 2016 BNP Paribas Global Entrepreneur Report. Of the female entrepreneurs who took part, 90% expected to see an increase in profits within a year. Further, they reported higher revenue than their male colleagues.

Being able to take your job across the globe or create your own schedule, allows women to continue to pursue their work rather than being among the 56% that leave mid-career. As more women embrace a remote or flexible career and lifestyle, the community of women in the workforce grows, develops and flourishes.

This is very evident through co-working spaces that are being designed specifically for women, like the many we highlighted here. They are more than just an office, offering women a safe, trusted place to work with perks that are more aligned to them than the average male-dominated work spaces. Amenities such as on-site gyms, daycare, blow-out bars, dry cleaning drop-off and meal delivery are among the offerings. Female-only spaces that inspire and thrive on collaboration create a sense of community that many miss when working remotely. They also fosters mentorships that nearly half of female entrepreneurs feel they are missing.

The work place is changing. As the number of women who work remotely rises, the future of women in the workplace looks promising.

As Millennials begin to dominate the market, the demand for change is increasing – women are at the forefront.


Employers who embrace flexibility and invest in women will see the benefits through their employees and their businesses. There may be challenges with tech, culture and communication to address, but it won’t prevent change from continuing to propel forward. Technology isn’t slowing down, and neither are the women who are shaping the future of the workplace.

Written by Katie Tatham (@kltatham) Vancouver based adventurer and writer.

What I Learned from Interviewing Women Around the World

At Behere, we’re constantly inspired by the amazing women in our community. We’re thrilled to feature some of their stories and share how they’ve made traveling while working possible. From unconventional roles, to starting businesses abroad, these women have made exploring new places a priority. They share their biggest learnings, favorite memories, and advice for someone thinking about living in a new city for a month.
Today’s Behere community feature, Maeve Ronan, decided to travel to meet and interview, women around the world. Originally from Massachusetts, Maeve booked her trips to Chiang Mai and Bali on Behere. She used this time to focus on building her company and interviewing inspiring women in Asia. Read her story below.

You’ve been interviewing women around the world, what do you plan to do with all this new knowledge?

“I am building my company, Girl Innovate, which gives teen girls books, curriculum, workshops, inspiration, support, and mentors to reach their full potential, impact society, and thrive in a world of endless opportunities. I’m currently writing a book filled with advice from women around the world, which is what inspired me to live abroad in multiple countries. I am collecting pieces of wisdom from all different types of successful women to broaden the perspectives of teen girls. You can follow along and learn more at or on Instagram at @girlinnovate.

What did a typical day look like for you while living in new places?

“While living abroad, each day was different, but always meaningful. My main goal was to not be too hard on myself to keep a rigid routine. As long as I got a few productive hours of work in, I was satisfied. The best part about living in an energetic, modern city was that once I was done with work, I could always find something fun to do and people to go with.”

How did Behere help in your journey?

“Behere helped alleviate the typical stress and logistics that come with living in a new place for a month. I didn’t have to worry about finding a credible apartment, fitness studio, or workspace, because it was all taken care of.

More importantly, the support from their team was incredible. When I got sick, they directed me to credible doctors and local remedies. I felt at peace knowing that even traveling by myself, I was never alone.

Booking through Behere allowed me to focus my energy on being productive in my business, rather than worry about trivial travel details.”


We love hearing highlights from our communities adventures, what was one of yours?

“My favorite memory while traveling was taking a weekend trip to Ubud, Bali with my new friends. Some of us brought work on the road (one benefit of working remotely!) and others left it behind for the weekend. My accommodation contact helped us book drivers and we were off, exploring a new town only an hour away.

We saw the incredible Tegalalang Rice Terrace, went on a death defying swing, got relaxing massages, had photoshoots at iconic waterfalls, and most importantly bonded as we reflected on the day by the pool.

How did living in new cities affect your work?

While living abroad, I felt productive every day because I made my mission clear at the beginning of each month. It’s easy to stay motivated when you love what you’re working on.

Being involved in a workspace made the biggest impact on my work. I developed my ideas more deeply and was held accountable because of the meaningful relationships I made with people around me. I also felt that living in such vibrant locations allowed me to be more creative in my work.”

Finally, what’s your #1 piece of advice for women who are thinking about living in a new place for a month?

“I want women thinking about living in a new place for a month to realize that traveling is an experience that’s not always going to be rainbows and butterflies. Even with the extra support from Behere, traveling can be unpredictable, monotonous, and even overwhelming. But in that chaos, you find yourself, and that’s what makes living abroad such a beautiful adventure.”

Connect with Maeve at or on Facebook or Instagram.
Want to meet incredible, inspiring people, in new places? Learn more about how booking with Behere can help make it your reality, and connect you with spaces and people to make it your best month yet. Check out our locations!
Images and words courtesy of Maeve Ronan.

This Company is Changing the Game for Young Women in Tech

Over the last year, our team at Behere (85% women!) has worked relentlessly at our mission to provide support and a flexible foundation for women. We’ve had the opportunity to speak with thousands of amazing women, as well as numerous female-focused companies that share this goal.
One of the core values at Behere is supporting other female-focused initiatives that provide education and support for women following their passions. Our team knows all too well that for women, it can be intimidating getting involved in the tech world or putting yourself out there to learn about it. Our CEO, Meesen Brown, has shared some of these challenges that come with entering a male dominated industry.
So when we came across #BUILTBYGIRLS she immediately fell in love with the concept and wanted to become more involved, noting, “I wish something like this existed when I was a younger, it’s such a great resource for young women interested in learning more about tech.”
Recently, our team had an chance to chat with the #BUILTBYGIRLS team and learn more about their mission and how we can help inspire and encourage more young women in tech.
Read our chat below and learn how you can get involved in helping provide inspiration, education, mentorship and guidance for young women in tech.

Tell us, what is #BUILTBYGIRLS?

#BUILTBYGIRLS is a social impact brand developed in 2014 to build up the next generation of leaders in tech – who just happen to be girls. We were created to show young women the endless possibilities for a career in tech.

What is the mission at #BUILTBYGIRLS?

#BUILTBYGIRLS is every future tech leader’s secret weapon. At a moment in time where everyone is talking about girls in STEM, we recognize that code is just the beginning. We help young women step boldly into their first career through community, 1:1 professional guidance, and practical resources to help her land her dream job.

young women in techWho exactly is #BUILTBYGIRLS for?

All young women.

Why it #BUILTBYGIRLS so important, especially for young women in tech today?

There is a huge lack of diversity in tech, which is not only greatly affecting the current landscape but also the future of this industry. Young women don’t see themselves in this field and those who are bold enough to break into it often don’t last long.
#BUILTBYGIRLS exists to embolden young women to step confidently into their tech career. We exist to be that community for her, so she perseveres and understands the endless opportunities for a career powered by tech.

Want to get involved?

Join us in helping young women see the possibilities for a career in tech! Become a #BUILTBYGIRLS Advisor so you can share your career trajectory and embolden the new wave of tech leaders.

Sign up to be an Advisor
Follow #BUILTBYGIRLS on Instagram
Subscribe to the #BUILTBYGIRLS newsletter

Images and words courtesy of #BUILTBYGIRLS.

This Author Sold Her House to Travel for a Year

At Behere, we’re constantly inspired by the amazing women in our community. We’re thrilled to feature some of their stories and share how they’ve made traveling while working possible. From unconventional roles, to starting businesses abroad, these women have made exploring new places a priority. They share their biggest learnings, favorite memories, and advice for someone thinking about living in a new city for a month.
Today’s Behere community feature, Marilyn Sadler, is an author who sold her house to travel for a year. Originally from Ohio, Marilyn recently sold her home and belongings to embark on a year abroad. She used Behere to book several months in Chiang Mai, Thailand and Bali, Indonesia. There, she’s focusing on writing, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and connecting with the community. Read more about her below.

You’re an author, but that’s not all. Tell us more about what you do.

I’m a writer and author of children’s books! As well, I’m the creator of a number of children’s television programs, including 2 shows for the Disney Channel. My profession has afforded me the luxury of being able to work from anywhere in the world, and I love it!
For my year abroad, I also recently created a travel and food website. There, I document the sites and sounds of the countries I visit, as well as the pleasures, and challenges, of being a raw vegan in some of the world’s diverse cultures. I would love to awaken others, in a gentler way, to the health benefits of eating vegan, not only for us humans, but for the planet at large. I don’t believe one has to preach one’s beliefs to change the world, but rather to live one’s life as an example.

Sold Her House to Travel for a YearSo far, what has your typical day looked like while traveling?

When I decided to commit to a year abroad, I sold my home and put my possessions in storage so I could travel the world without a care in the world.
As a result, I greet every day with this incredible feeling of freedom and lightheartedness. Some days I sleep late, other days I rise with the sun. Being a raw vegan always in search of food, Chiang Mai has been paradise for me. The quality, variety and abundance of fresh fruit is astounding, and the beautiful apartment I booked on Behere is located close to a fabulous grocery store. It’s been a very healing place for me, spiritually and emotionally.
I have access to yoga studios, parks and massage studios on every corner and I indulge in at least one of these luxuries every day. I also love that I can be as social as I choose thanks to Behere’s an amazing network of local hosts who provide a bevy of stimulating, cultural and fun activities in which to participate. Heck, they’ve even helped me find new friends!
In between all these daily choices (which can easily fill up your day), I work. The workspace I booked on Behere has provided a comfy place to soak up the energy of other hard working travelers. I find I get much more done in these work environments, away from my refrigerator.

What is your biggest take away/ learning while abroad?

When I left home to travel I had so many friends and family members tell me I was brave and that they couldn’t do what I was doing. Then they would follow up with “be careful” and “be safe”. What was so interesting was they were mostly men!
It never once occurred to me that I wouldn’t be safe. Nor did I think I was particularly brave. I was just following a desire so strong I’d had no choice but to act on it. And I’ve never looked back.
I’m learning that traveling alone is not so scary. As long as you have the internet, you can sit comfortably anywhere in the world and find everything you need while drinking a smoothie. Things work out when you relax, take a deep breath and smile at everyone – not in an insane looking way – but in a warm, friendly and inviting way. You’ll attract the right people into your space to help you, comfort you or find you some pineapple on a stick.

How has Behere helped in your journey?

Before I arrived in Chiang Mai, I spent a month in Japan, which I navigated on my own; booking flights, finding rooms and figuring out the many details you need to know when stepping foot in a foreign land. By the time I arrived in Thailand, I was a tad tired.
By using Behere, I had a beautiful apartment, with an amazing host who has helped me in every way you can imagine – from facilitating the renewal of my Thailand visa, to introducing me to a social network of people, activities and events, not to mention restaurants, juice bars and transportation options throughout the city. It’s been great to have support and someone there to help, no matter what I need or how soon.

We love hearing highlights from our communities adventures, what was one of yours?

It’s difficult to pick one memory, but I do have one favorite repeating memory. Every morning I wake up in what feels like a dream-come-true. I’m happy. I’m in control of my life. And I have the whole day ahead of me to follow my heart’s moment-to-moment desires. Then I stretch my arms up over my head and realize I’m smiling.

How has living in a new place affected your work?

Traveling alone has given me the time to turn inward and be what some might call selfish. To me it’s something we all have access to and it’s a good thing. We are in this physical world to express our creativity (in whatever form that takes) and to share our authentic selves and our inner beauty.
Having the freedom to be alone and tap into deeper parts of myself has been a tremendous boost to my creativity. I left home having lost my desire to work. Sitting down to write had become an excruciating chore. Shortly after arriving in Chiang Mai, ideas for stories began to pop into my head, leading me down that old, familiar road to the land of make-believe.

Finally, what’s your #1 piece of advice for someone who’s thinking about living in a new city for a month?

If your desire is strong enough, like mine, you will act on yours too. At that point, keep your mind focused on moving forward. Don’t think about what you’re leaving behind. You can always return to whatever that was. I guarantee you won’t want to though.
Also, I didn’t make my decision overnight. I made it slowly over time, until the next thing I knew I was on the phone with a realtor. Six months later, here I am, in Chiang Mai.

Connect with Marilyn online at on Facebook and on Instagram. You can check out her travel and food blog here, and on Instagram and Facebook.

Are you now feeling the need for adventure? Learn more about how booking with Behere can help make it your reality, and connect you with spaces and people to make it your best month yet. Check out our locations!
Images and words courtesy of Marilyn Sadler.

This is How Mark Zuckerberg, Bill & Melinda Gates and Top Ceos Unwind

Earlier this summer, Bill Gates spent seven days at his hideaway cottage, partaking in a twice-yearly ritual he calls his “Think Week.” And while we don’t all have access to a secluded cabin, it’s important to take small steps that allow us to unwind the end of the day. Taking time to unplug and recharge is critical for our well-being, and we’re always looking for new ways to slow down before getting back to work. Here’s how top CEOs unwind after hours.
Mark Zuckerberg sets fitness goals
The Facebook founder and CEO has been vocal about his passion for running, especially after he ran a mile a day in 2016, partaking in his own 365-mile challenge. “I’ve found running is a great way to clear my head, to get more energy and to find time to think about challenges,” Zuckerberg posted online after he reached his goal. “I find these yearly challenges always take me in unexpected directions.”
Reshma Saujani schedules “me time” with herself
As founder and CEO of Girls Who Code, Reshma Saujani doesn’t have a lot of downtime, so she makes sure to schedule her own time for 7:30 every morning –– a ritual that has become non-negotiable in her home. As a working mom, Saujani struggles with finding alone time and prioritizing self-care, so her scheduled ritual has allowed her to carve out time for herself every day.
Bill and Melinda Gates play pickleball
The Gates recently told CNBC that they like to play a game called “pickleball,” their own twist on tennis — played instead with paddles and a plastic ball. As co-chairs of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, the couple is almost always busy, but they always make time to unwind and bond with family, whether it’s reading, meditating, or even playing games as a couple. “We’re huge pickleball fans,” Gates said.
Mark Cuban puts his phone away
We talk a lot about setting boundaries with our devices, and in an episode of the Thrive Global Podcast, Mark Cuban proved he’s serious about his own screen time boundaries. The Dallas Mavericks owner and Shark Tank star works with tech companies professionally, but to wind down at home, he puts his phone away, and even limits Netflix time around the house.
Jeff Bezos embraces work-life harmony
While some of us need a clear break between our work life and our home life, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos says he’s found his happy medium with work-life harmony.“I prefer the word ‘harmony’ to the word ‘balance’ because balance tends to imply a strict tradeoff,” Bezos explained to Thrive Global. “In fact, if I’m happy at work, I’m better at home  —  a better husband and better father. And if I’m happy at home, I come into work more energized  —  a better employee and a better colleague.”
While our favorite activities are personal and individualized, it’s important to make the time to put ourselves first, no matter how busy our days can be. Here are a few microsteps that will help you make it a point to wind down:
1. Pick a time at night when you turn off your devices — and escort them out of your bedroom
Our phones are repositories of everything we need to put away to allow us to sleep — our to-do lists, our inboxes, and multiple other projects. Disconnecting from the digital world will help you sleep better, deeply recharge and reconnect to your wisdom and creativity. Set an alarm every night that will signal your “powering down” time, and leave your devices outside of your bedroom. You’ll find that you’ll sleep better, and wake up feeling recharged and restored.
walking2. Take a short walk and focus on your breathing
You can still your mind even when you’re moving your body. Whether you’re scheduling a walking meeting, or just taking a stroll down the block to get out of the office, taking a walk every day can make a huge impact on your productivity and well-being, even if it’s only a few minutes. Take a step away from your desk –– you’ll return with renewed focus and purpose.
3. Schedule appointments with yourself for an activity you love
Whether you need your quick AM workout, a dinner with old friends, or just a solo movie night once a week, make an appointment with yourself, and show up. Make outside activities a priority by scheduling time on your calendar. It’s difficult to carve out time for ourselves when we don’t have it in writing, so it’s important to make your scheduling a physical action.

Feeling like you need to focus more on yourself and taking some time to unwind (while becoming more productive)? Choose a new city to live in for a month and book private apartments, workspaces and fitness studios, without the hassles. Learn more here.

Originally posted on Thrive Global.

Rebecca is a graduate of New York University, where she studied Media, Culture and Communications with a minor in Creative Writing. For her undergraduate thesis, she researched the relationship between women and fitness media consumerism.

This Entrepreneur is Traveling the World while Running a Business

At Behere, we’re constantly inspired by the amazing women in our community. We’re thrilled to feature some of their stories and share how they’ve made traveling while working possible. From unconventional roles, to starting businesses abroad, these women have made exploring new places a priority. They share their biggest learnings, favorite memories, and advice for someone thinking about living in a new city for a month.
Today’s Behere community feature, Angela Garcia, is traveling the world while running a business. Originally from California, she booked her trip to Lisbon this summer using Behere. There, she focused on her work and connecting with other inspiring innovators. Read more below!

You’re an entrepreneur, we’d love to learn more about what you do.

“I am the Brand Coach + Designer behind Soul Cove Creative. I help female entrepreneurs create soul aligned Brands + Websites to stand out from the crowd and position themselves as leaders in their field.
My mission is to empower women to step into their power and be seen as their true authentic self, bringing their vision to life through their brand and website.
I work with my clients one-on-one to discover their unique brand identity, develop their messaging + positioning to build their tribe, refine and map out their programs, and create a brand + website that matches the size of their vision.”

traveling the world while running a businessWe love hearing highlights from our communities adventures, what was one of yours?

“I was watching the sunset with a breathtaking view of the city, laughing and enjoying a drink with friends when it hit me – I did it. This is my life now. I’m traveling the world while running my business, and in that moment I knew I could do absolutely anything. This had been my dream for so long and now I was living it – I had created a life + business around my passion.
Give yourself permission to dream big. The life of your dreams is yours to create, you just need the courage to pursue it.”

How did Behere help in your journey?

“Behere provided me with access to community and a city host. They connected me to other women in Lisbon and an amazing city host!
She invited us to events all over Lisbon, so we were always meeting new people and going to amazing spots all over the city. My host and the amazing friendships I made really made this month in Lisbon unforgettable.”

Finally, what’s your #1 piece of advice for someone who’s thinking about living in a new city for a month or two?

“If your heart + soul are telling you to travel – follow it!
I know it’s scary to do something you’ve never done before, but I invite you to leap. To leap before you’re ready. Make the choice and go for it! Always pursue your passion and let it guide your path no matter where it takes you.”

Connect with Angela online at or on Instagram @soulcovecreative
Are you running a business and want to travel to experience new cities without the headache of planning? Behere makes moving to a new city for a month (or more!) seamless, learn how here. Find and book private apartments, workspaces and fitness studios around the world, plus connect with our local hosts. Check out our locations now!
Images and words courtesy of Angela Garcia.

The Workplace is Changing, Prepare For The Future of Work

Behere founders Thomas Maher and Meesen Brown are helping companies prepare for the future of work.  Learn more about Behere, how they’re shaping the future of work, and helping meet the needs of the next generation workforce.


The workplace is shifting from the typical 9-5

The modern workplace is shifting away from the typical, corporate, 9-5 office and young workers are demanding flexibility. This leaves many companies wondering how the changes will affect them. As millennials become the largest group in the workforce, they embrace technology and the benefits of remote work, including commuting less and having better work-life balance (really work-life integration). The archaic idea that everyone must be in the same office to get work done is on its way out, and more companies are realizing that benefits lie in retaining and attracting top talent, and stimulating employees in more productive and creative environments than their offices.

Flexibility is a top work perk for millennials

Work-life balance and flexibility are the most important work perks that millennial job-seekers are pursuing in today’s market. Most workers have even stated they would rather have flexibility than a raise. While some companies try to answer with the offer of unlimited vacation days, research shows that millennials aren’t taking them all, due to guilt or desire to demonstrate total commitment to their job. Workers are adamant that employers need to go beyond perks like unlimited vacation days, and the younger generations, with prevalent entrepreneurial spirits, are demanding more.

Work-life integration is the new norm

prepare for the future of work

If the benefits of flexibility, like increased productivity and a larger labor pool, are clear, why are so many companies hesitant to jump on board? The work day rarely ends at 5pm, so most employees are expected to be connected and flexible. With constant connectivity through email and social on mobile devices, organizations want employees to check-in, even when outside of the office. Companies should be promoting this flexibility to employees and future hires as a perk, not an inconvenience, by making that added effort worth their time. Most executive teams understand this requires some give and take on both sides, and creating incentive and benefit programs that go to the next level will most certainly pay off.

Industry leaders are showing us how to prepare for the future of work

While some companies are behind the curve in offering flexible programs, others are looking to facilitate the movement. Most recently, Airbnb and WeWork have teamed up to offer shared work spaces for travellers. Details have yet to be announced by the partnership, but it seems travellers who have booked accommodation through Airbnb for travel, can also book a desk or conference room through the shared workspace company WeWork. Now valued at $20 billion, WeWork is the perfect example of how the industry is developing and accommodating remote work.

These companies are at the forefront of flexible policies


Companies, like Netflix, are focusing on achievements rather than keeping employees at their desks. Those that hire telecommuters often grow much faster, as they have the option to hire outside the local labor pool. Companies ready to embrace the change and add perks for their employees are also creating partnerships with companies like Behere. These partnerships allow employees to gain experiences and inspiration while traveling which they can bring back to their company. It’s not just sending your employees on vacation; it’s boosting productivity and creativity, and provides a reset that decreases burn-outs. Providing these perks increases company engagement as employees feel appreciation of their organization, reduces overhead and encourages professional development and collaboration.


Currently, at Dell, 25% of the workforce have a flexible schedule and can regularly work from a remote location. By 2020 Steve Price, Senior Vice President of Human Resources, hopes to make that 50%. Embracing flexibility has payed off for Dell, with $21 million in savings since 2013 in real estate costs, and 93% of employees stating that flexibility helps them to be successful.  


PepsiCo started their ‘One Simple Thing’ initiative to encourage employees to build flexibility around whatever they’re passionate about. Pepsi Co Australia & New Zealand CEO, Robert Rietbroek stated the benefits flexible work has had for them. “We are able to tap into broader talent pools, where people are seeking flexibility, as well as enjoy the retention of critical and diverse talent, which we see as a competitive advantage,” he continued. “When it comes to the bottom line, we know it works because we’ve seen sustained business results.”

To stay competitive, flexibility is a necessity  

Demonstrating just how necessary updated workplace practices are becoming in the workforce, Melanie Collins, Global Head of People Partners at Dropbox reiterated the sentiment: “Flexibility is increasingly more important in the value proposition for recruiting…It’s what folks are looking for, and what we need to do to be more competitive”. Collins also stated the benefits are more than monetary, “We’ve found when employees are given flexibility, they are more highly engaged”.

‘Fun and trendy’ workplace perks aren’t enough 

Companies are also trying to move away from attempting to look “fun” and “cool” as they reevaluate their hiring strategies. Recruiters realize that an extra foosball table isn’t going to attract top talent. Real benefits like understanding work-life balance are at the forefront of workplace development. “Flexibility will become the norm for employers who want to win the war on talent,” Joanna Barsh, director emerita for McKinsey & Company tells Fast Company.

Flexibility creates better opportunities for equality   

Not to be overlooked, flexible work programs also have an impact on equality. Through flexible work opportunities, women, or other commonly prejudiced demographics, can choose the role, company, and lifestyle that matches their goals, regardless of age, geographic location, or familial status. Employers that implement flexible work policies and invest in women will see the benefits through their employees and businesses. 

Adapting to the changing workforce can be daunting for employers, but it should be considered part of their strategy going forward. In the early stages, companies need to train remote workers, measure success, and establish tools of communication. Taking flexibility programs to the next level to remain competitive and attract talent is the key to success in a market that is quickly developing and cultivating the next generation of the workspace.

Ready to dive into flexible working while living in a new city? Get started with Behere below!

Written By Katie Tatham; freelance writer, content creator, traveller and breakfast lover.

Cover photo by: Sam

This Is the Type of Confidence to Exude if You Want to Be More Successful

There’s more than one way to show confidence, but a new study says you should focus on this one.

Guest Post By Nora Battelle

Confidence is the key to success, according to new research from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology — especially if expressed nonverbally.
Nathan Meikle, Ph.D., a postdoctoral research and teaching associate at the University of Notre Dame, led the research. His team found that study participants consistently choose to work with confident potential collaborators or advisors over cautious ones. That  shows, exuding confidence makes people want to work with you. This has been documented before: Research has shown that confidence increases our belief in someone’s competence.
What this new study reveals, however, is that confidence can backfire if it turns out to be overconfidence, or confidence lacking real basis. The revelation of someone’s overconfidence (when communicated verbally by the overconfident person) actually reversed study participants’ preferences to favor more cautious but realistic collaborators.
But interestingly, when confidence — even if it turned out to be overconfidence — was communicated through nonverbal cues, rather than verbal ones, participants did not reverse their preferences towards a cautious collaborator. The confident collaborators won out, whether or not their confidence was founded.
The study authors suggest this result stems from the plausible deniability of nonverbally expressed confidence. Nonverbal indicators of confidence, unlike verbal ones, don’t make exact promises. This makes them an ideal way for getting the benefits of displayed confidence, while avoiding displaying overconfidence.
These results have deeply practical implications. Expressing your confidence nonverbally can make colleagues and collaborators more likely to want to work with you – even when your confidence isn’t as rock-solid as it appears.
Below are some helpful tips on the kinds of nonverbal tactics that are good indicators of confidence. While far from the only forms of nonverbal confidence, these suggestions provide some excellent steps to take in the pursuit of exuding trustworthy confidence.

Adopt an expansive posture

Meikle explained this as postures like “hands behind head, legs/knees/feet spread apart, shoulders spread out” and similar poses. Showing you are comfortable taking up space physically means projecting confidence before you even open your mouth.

Make eye contact

Another nonverbal confidence indicator is eye contact. Older research has also found eye contact can project sincerity, facilitate trust and even increase perception of intelligence. It’s a powerful step to take when you are looking to build positive professional relationships.

Give a firm handshake

A firm handshake is a key indicator of confidence. It’s simple, silent and effective.

Speak in a strong voice

An “assertive/loud/confident voice,” according to Meikle, is another powerful means of expressing confidence. Speaking audibly and clearly, avoiding mumbling or trailing conclusions to your sentences will help communicate you are the one for the job / project.
Now you can use these confidence tips and our Resources to approach your boss about switching to remote work, or to level up in your business.

Originally posted on Thrive Global.
Written by Nora Battelle, Multimedia Staff Writer at Thrive Global.

This Manager Convinced her Boss to let her Work Remotely from Europe

At Behere, we’re constantly inspired by the amazing women in our community. We’re thrilled to feature some of their stories and share how they’ve made traveling while working possible. From unconventional roles, to starting businesses abroad, these women have made exploring new places a priority. They share their biggest learnings, favorite memories and advice for someone thinking about living in a new city for a month.
Today’s Behere community feature, Christi Rice, is a grants manager from Florida. She convinced her boss to let her work remotely from Europe this summer and used Behere to book three months in Lisbon, Split and Barcelona. There she focused on her work and meeting others abroad. Read her story below.

We love that you convinced your boss to let you work remotely, what is it exactly that you do?

“I’m the grants manager for the Broward Performing Arts Foundation. I work to secure private and public funding to support operations, capital projects and mission-driven programming at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts and four affiliated cultural venues throughout South Florida. Current focus areas are sustaining and enhancing the largest free arts-in-education program in the country, and expanding access to the arts for individuals with disabilities.”

What would you say is the most important thing you learned while in Europe?

“Being so removed from my normal routine, social/professional obligations and network really helped me reflect on and evaluate things. Things like which relationships and activities are actually important and/or positive influences in my life, compared to those that are out of habit, or a feeling of obligation.”
work remotely

How was Behere helpful in your journey?

“Behere took all the stress out of planning my summer, which let me focus on planning the fun things and making the most of my experience. I met many fellow travelers and expats along the way, who shared struggles of finding clean/safe places to stay, dealing with shady landlords, etc.. I always felt very fortunate I didn’t have to worry about those issues.
What I like the most is that Behere is flexible, and their team always worked to accommodate my personal needs and preferences. The city hosts were also invaluable in providing local recommendations – not just where to go but when, how, what to wear, etc.. They also helped answer any questions, no matter how random, that came up during my stay.”

We love hearing highlights from our communities adventures, what was one of yours?

“It’s difficult to choose just one… being in Europe, Croatia in particular, for the World Cup was an unforgettable experience. It was really cool to see locals and travelers alike, from all different countries, coming together to watch the games. Also, my birthday fell during the last week of my 3-month stint abroad. I organized a very informal happy hour in Barcelona, where I was living at the time, to celebrate. It was both surprising and touching to see so many new friends come out (including my Behere city host, Sam) and made me realize how much I had accomplished in just one month there.”

How did living in new cities affect your work?

“I felt I was more productive than ever. Initially, I thought the time difference (+6 hours) would present a challenge. It actually turned out to be a positive – I was ahead of every deadline or request from my team back in the US. Plus, I was able to maintain better focus on writing projects because I wasn’t distracted with emails and phone calls in real-time. Working remotely forced me to go above and beyond to use effective communication skills with colleagues and clients.
When I had phone/ video calls with funders or prospective funders back in the US, they were fascinated I was working from Spain, Croatia and Portugal. They loved that my company had placed such trust in me to allow me to do so. I think this helped me stand out in their minds and will ultimately lead to stronger, more long-lasting partnerships.
Additionally, I definitely felt more motivated and inspired by the people I met at the workspaces. I believe being surrounded by individuals with creative, entrepreneurial mindsets – from a wide variety of industries – helped me think outside the box when it came to my own work.
work remotely
Being exposed to others from around the world also motivated me to finally get serious about another personal goal of mine – becoming fluent in Spanish. I had 30 hours with a private tutor while in Barcelona, and since returning to Florida, have already booked another tutor via Skype. I’m not sure what, if any, impact this will have on my work, but you never know!”

Finally, what’s your #1 piece of advice for someone who’s thinking about living in a new city for a month?

“It doesn’t have to be as difficult, expensive or scary as most people think. I met many people with different backgrounds, careers, ages, marital status, who identified living abroad as a personal goal for various reasons. They were all able to step out of their comfort zones and achieve it.”

If you want to convince your boss to let you work remotely too, we’ve created some great resources to help here.
Now, when you’re ready to explore a new city, get prepared to do a lot of research. Or head to Behere to book your apartment, plus a workspace and fitness studio, in one easy-to-use platform. Check out our locations!
Images and words courtesy of Christi Rice.

I'm Traveling the World and I Didn't Quit My Job

Guest post by Kelsey Dixon
The young professionals of today are writing the history of its generation in the workforce. Our generation is driving change and innovation in our world and it’s different than what the generations before us experienced. So why would the workforce stay the same? We want to live in the NOW and we refuse to only work for retirement.
With the world at our keyboards, our access is limitless. We are more connected than ever. Why not use this as a foundation for a career? For a lifestyle? Work can be a passion and a blend into your personal hopes and dreams. It can be an enabler rather than a detractor.

Curious about how I do what I do?

You may share in my curiosity to seek what is different—what is uniquely your own—and you’re not alone. There are thousands of people, heavily millennials, who are building something from scratch in order for their work to fit their desired lifestyle, not the contrast. It’s not a new concept. But the world is starting to notice, and starting to evolve to fit this lifestyle. Hence why companies like Behere exist, to make living in a new place easier.
I'm Traveling the World and Didn't Quit My Job
There’s enough room and opportunity for anyone to pursue it. Existing roles are being reinvigorated through the perception of a new lens, giving them boundless possibilities of execution. Companies and cultures are shifting to realize that hustle can happen outside of the cubicle and progress can thrive regardless of physical location. On top of this, there are jobs created daily that require no physical space, just skills and a laptop. Even beyond that, we’ve never had better access to the tools that can help us create our own jobs, income and revenue streams—out of thin air.

But how exactly do we do that…

Perhaps the scariest part about this is the fact that no one before us has laid out a successful path for it. We get to pave our own trail, and navigate the speed bumps along the way. This isn’t smooth sailing, this is a caught-in-the-windstorm and batten down the hatches sort of sail. But the cool part is, the views are pretty astounding (literally and figuratively).

This is how it started for me

In September of 2017, I left the comforts of my waterfront Seattle apartment to pursue a dream: live and work abroad. I had heard of the stories about the people who quit their corporate jobs to go live on an island and work behind an ice cream stand. I had seen that this was possible, but I still had to do this radical thing with less-than-specific guidance because I was doing it differently: as an entrepreneur, with clients, with a team, with a co-founder. 99% of my job was through my computer anyway, so in theory, this would work right?
I’ve taken my work abroad, from a van trapezeing around the north and south islands of New Zealand for a month. And I got to see Auckland, Wellington, Tauranga, Mt. Cook National Park, Fjord National Park and more.

The South American leg of my journey

While traveling and working in South America, I was the most productive I had ever been, inspired by my environment and the space I worked in. All this instead of feeling the grind of rush hour traffic and inside the sphere of the same four walls every day. My video conferences were super productive because I took advantage of the scheduled time I had with anyone at any given time. No longer were the days of luxury where I could tap my partner on the shoulder and ask a quick question. Instead, I relied heavily on platforms like, Asana, G-chat, Slack, FaceTime, Zoom, Skype or GoogleDocs. We found out by accident (through calling to try and cancel our American cell plan) that our T-Mobile plan allows us unlimited texting and data in more than 210 countries at no additional fees—most of South America included.
The craziest part was the 60-hour round trip drive to Patagonia, and then visiting Patagonia, without taking a single day off work. I’m fortunate here that I have a hubby that loves to drive. I worked a 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. day because that was 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Seattle hours. So, in the mornings we hustled the drive, day by day. And we’d find a friendly place to stay (with fast WiFi, always a requirement). I’d finish my day while my husband took care of all our meals, errands and planning next steps (he was also lightly working on a startup of his own). With GoogleDocs’ offline feature, I was even able to knock out a lot of writing while literally surviving the treacherous roads in the middle-of-nowhere Argentina. But I did it. I maintained my high-production workload while seeing El Chalten, hiking the Tres Lagos, exploring Torres del Paine and enjoying coffee in Puerto Natales. Not your normal after-hours activity.

How you can make it possible

My point (and hope) in sharing my story is to show it’s possible. It may sound crazy, but it can be your reality. By working while traveling, I was able to fund our travels so that we could stay longer. And by traveling while working, I brought a fresh, global perspective to our team. By leaving the day-to-day in the office, it also left more responsibility to my team, which equated to massive jump in growth and a slashing of comfort zones. I became a production house for the backend of our business, elevating it to challenge our growth projections even over a successful year prior. And I sat in a hammock rather than at a desk (it wasn’t always that glamorous, but still worth it!).
Again, this is why companies like Behere exist. Because by booking with Behere you have your housing, workspace, fitness studio, plus an international community, all while abroad. This is essential in the world we live in today, where living more flexibly is not only possible, but beneficial in so many capacities. We all have dreams to live a life we wish we had—attach it to an action and a timeline? There will be no better time, so why not now?
And why not you?

Want to travel and live around the world? Here are your next steps.

I shared my story about taking my business abroad. Now, this is how I did it…

  1. Find your work.

    There may be an opportunity to do your current job remote. The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris has a lot of helpful tips in asking for it. Otherwise, you’ll need to find it or create it. In finding it, utilize resources, sites and communities that offer remote job opportunities. Have a skill? You could freelance, if you’ve got a little cash saved up that could get you by either before getting work or down the road for a cushion. Or, build it. That’s what I did.

  2. Pick your place.

    I recommend somewhere that’s less expensive than where you live now. Behere has some great locations to choose from, so that’s a great place to start. That way, you can give yourself some grace to get set up in your work, and you may even save more money that way (we were able to save a lot more in Chile than what we were saving in the U.S.). Don’t forget to think about timezones. For me, it mattered that I was able to work during Seattle business hours, so South America was appealing for that reason.

  3. Downsize, downsize, downsize.

    Sell the things you don’t need on eBay or Craigslist. It’s all replaceable. By having less, you’ll be more mobile and flexible. Bring less clothes, you won’t need them all or you can buy them there (we usually all wear the same core things anyway!).

  4. Get set up.

    This seems daunting, but it’s really not too bad once you get into it. This means rerouting your mail to a permanent address if you’re moving out (we chose my mom’s home. Thanks, mom!). Book at least your first week or use a platform like Behere to book everything a month before you arrive. Notify your credit cards (and make sure you don’t have foreign transaction fees). Set aside savings for back up. Adjust your cell plane (T-Mobile’s One Plan provides data/texting in over 210 countries! I highly recommend looking into this option).

  5. Buy the things.

    I’m a proponent for downsizing, but there will be some things I’d suggest purchasing to make downsizing easier. For example, clothes that can work for various scenarios. This is largely dependent on where you’re going. Get quality, easy luggage, backpacks and bags to protect your tech as well as portable chargers. 

  6. Pick a date.

    This might be the most important part of this list. Pick the date and then make the list so you can work backwards toward your goal! Even if you’re not sure if it’ll be possible, if you pencil in the date, the urgency suddenly exists and you can say it out loud and make it real.

  7. GO.

    Plan the basics I’ve mentioned here but don’t overly plan and overthink it. Just do it. You CAN. It won’t be perfect, but you’ll figure it out along the way! Enjoy it. Relish in the uncertainty. Know you’re living your dream and most people don’t have the courage to even do that. You’ll figure out the rest, and your experience will be invaluable.

Guest Post by: Kelsey Dixon

Kelsey Dixon is the “Dixon” of the female millennial duo who founded davies + dixon, a digital marketing firm that creates daring ideas to get stories told. Kelsey currently remotely manages her team and clients as she adventures. Follow Kelsey’s journey on Instagram at @kelseystartingroute.

Images and words courtesy of Kelsey Dixon.