How to Work Remotely: Our Tips for Remote Work

[vc_row padding_setting=”1″ desktop_padding=”no-padding” ipad_padding=”sm-no-padding” mobile_padding=”xs-no-padding”][vc_column][vc_column_text]Interested in remote work? Or new to working remotely and wondering how to thrive at it? Here’s our tips for remote work and how to find balance, and inspiration to excel at it.

1. Create a morning routine.

Remote work comes with so many amazing benefits, but the new found freedom still means you need to set your own guidelines and be productive. Establishing a routine allows you to set a schedule, start your day and transition, so you don’t just wakeup and throw open your laptop. Without the commute, transitioning into work through a routine, whether it be exercising, making breakfast or going for a walk, will increase your productivity and focus.

2. Relocate to a city you love.

Ok, you make think we’re biased here but… when you have the ability to work remotely it makes it possible to live in a new city or place you love. Remote work opens the door for you to live anywhere in the world, if you want to. So if you’ve always had the nagging feeling of wanting to be adventurous and explore more, then use the flexibility of remote work to move to your dream destination (at least for a little while). With Behere, you can try living in a new city, for as little as a month, without the hassles of getting set up. As a remote worker, the world is your office, so go enjoy!

3. Be active throughout your workday.

We’ve established that remote work means you have the ability to set your own schedule. This might mean you’re working from home, a workspace or a cafe. Wherever you’re working from, use your flexibility to move more. Take a break to go for a walk around the block, stretch or do a 5 minute workout. If you’re on a call, move around the space, or schedule your meetings to be walking meetings so that you get a chance to move. In order to be your most productive self, you’ve got to regularly move.

4. Start with your toughest ‘stuff’.

tips for remote workEven though you’re no longer working from a cubicle or office, you still need to prioritize. To-do lists are everything, make one weekly, prioritize and break them down into daily chunks. Then start with your most challenging takes, as you’ll be feeling your freshest. Once you complete those, you will feel accomplished and then can dedicate your remaining brain power to the less challenging ones.

5. Focus on your professional development.

Working remotely doesn’t mean you can’t continue to grow in your career, it just means to have to prioritize it. It’s up to you to make sure you’re attending events and conferences, learning new skills, and growing your network. If you’re traveling, attending events at your workspace, or via Meetup is a great way to learn from a new international crowd. Connecting virtually on LinkedIn and staying involved in groups in your industry can all help you grow.

6. Collaborate with coworkers virtually.

With new technology and plenty of online resources, like these tools, it’s easier than ever to stay connected. Utilize tools like Slack, Google Docs and more, to stay connected to your team and collaborate on projects. Many tools now enable you to assign tasks to others, and monitor projects, so even a virtual team can stay up to date.

7. Don’t forget to take breaks.

It’s easy to get caught up in a task and before you know it, four hours has gone by and you’re still stuck on something. Take a break. Not only is it good for your eyes and body to step away from the screen but it’s also good for your brain and productivity to step back. It can also help prevent burnout, and give you a chance to get some new perspective or refocus.

8. Choose a space and time to work

tips for remote workLast, but definitely not least, you have to designate time and space for work, and for life. Especially if you’re working from home, it’s important to have a routine, select a space in your home to work from, and establish a nighttime routine to transition out of work. Ideally though, work from a workspace, rather than home, to establish a set work space, and connect with others. Also important to note is, everyone has different hours at which they feel productive – one of the many benefits of remote work is being able to hone in on this. For some they’re more productive early, others late in the day or night. So find your most productive hours, and space, and get to work!

Now go use these strategies to help you thrive as a remote worker! Remember, remote work has many benefits so don’t forget to enjoy them – while being a healthy, productive and efficient worker. And if you’re ready for #2, relocating to a new city, then check out our locations, choose a new place to call home and be your most productive self yet![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_setting=”1″ desktop_padding=”no-padding” ipad_padding=”sm-no-padding” mobile_padding=”xs-no-padding”][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_raw_js]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[/vc_raw_js][/vc_column][/vc_row]

The Workplace is Changing, Prepare For The Future of Work

Behere founders Thomas Maher and Meesen Brown are helping companies prepare for the future of work.  Learn more about Behere, how they’re shaping the future of work, and helping meet the needs of the next generation workforce.


The workplace is shifting from the typical 9-5

The modern workplace is shifting away from the typical, corporate, 9-5 office and young workers are demanding flexibility. This leaves many companies wondering how the changes will affect them. As millennials become the largest group in the workforce, they embrace technology and the benefits of remote work, including commuting less and having better work-life balance (really work-life integration). The archaic idea that everyone must be in the same office to get work done is on its way out, and more companies are realizing that benefits lie in retaining and attracting top talent, and stimulating employees in more productive and creative environments than their offices.

Flexibility is a top work perk for millennials

Work-life balance and flexibility are the most important work perks that millennial job-seekers are pursuing in today’s market. Most workers have even stated they would rather have flexibility than a raise. While some companies try to answer with the offer of unlimited vacation days, research shows that millennials aren’t taking them all, due to guilt or desire to demonstrate total commitment to their job. Workers are adamant that employers need to go beyond perks like unlimited vacation days, and the younger generations, with prevalent entrepreneurial spirits, are demanding more.

Work-life integration is the new norm

prepare for the future of work

If the benefits of flexibility, like increased productivity and a larger labor pool, are clear, why are so many companies hesitant to jump on board? The work day rarely ends at 5pm, so most employees are expected to be connected and flexible. With constant connectivity through email and social on mobile devices, organizations want employees to check-in, even when outside of the office. Companies should be promoting this flexibility to employees and future hires as a perk, not an inconvenience, by making that added effort worth their time. Most executive teams understand this requires some give and take on both sides, and creating incentive and benefit programs that go to the next level will most certainly pay off.

Industry leaders are showing us how to prepare for the future of work

While some companies are behind the curve in offering flexible programs, others are looking to facilitate the movement. Most recently, Airbnb and WeWork have teamed up to offer shared work spaces for travellers. Details have yet to be announced by the partnership, but it seems travellers who have booked accommodation through Airbnb for travel, can also book a desk or conference room through the shared workspace company WeWork. Now valued at $20 billion, WeWork is the perfect example of how the industry is developing and accommodating remote work.

These companies are at the forefront of flexible policies


Companies, like Netflix, are focusing on achievements rather than keeping employees at their desks. Those that hire telecommuters often grow much faster, as they have the option to hire outside the local labor pool. Companies ready to embrace the change and add perks for their employees are also creating partnerships with companies like Behere. These partnerships allow employees to gain experiences and inspiration while traveling which they can bring back to their company. It’s not just sending your employees on vacation; it’s boosting productivity and creativity, and provides a reset that decreases burn-outs. Providing these perks increases company engagement as employees feel appreciation of their organization, reduces overhead and encourages professional development and collaboration.


Currently, at Dell, 25% of the workforce have a flexible schedule and can regularly work from a remote location. By 2020 Steve Price, Senior Vice President of Human Resources, hopes to make that 50%. Embracing flexibility has payed off for Dell, with $21 million in savings since 2013 in real estate costs, and 93% of employees stating that flexibility helps them to be successful.  


PepsiCo started their ‘One Simple Thing’ initiative to encourage employees to build flexibility around whatever they’re passionate about. Pepsi Co Australia & New Zealand CEO, Robert Rietbroek stated the benefits flexible work has had for them. “We are able to tap into broader talent pools, where people are seeking flexibility, as well as enjoy the retention of critical and diverse talent, which we see as a competitive advantage,” he continued. “When it comes to the bottom line, we know it works because we’ve seen sustained business results.”

To stay competitive, flexibility is a necessity  

Demonstrating just how necessary updated workplace practices are becoming in the workforce, Melanie Collins, Global Head of People Partners at Dropbox reiterated the sentiment: “Flexibility is increasingly more important in the value proposition for recruiting…It’s what folks are looking for, and what we need to do to be more competitive”. Collins also stated the benefits are more than monetary, “We’ve found when employees are given flexibility, they are more highly engaged”.

‘Fun and trendy’ workplace perks aren’t enough 

Companies are also trying to move away from attempting to look “fun” and “cool” as they reevaluate their hiring strategies. Recruiters realize that an extra foosball table isn’t going to attract top talent. Real benefits like understanding work-life balance are at the forefront of workplace development. “Flexibility will become the norm for employers who want to win the war on talent,” Joanna Barsh, director emerita for McKinsey & Company tells Fast Company.

Flexibility creates better opportunities for equality   

Not to be overlooked, flexible work programs also have an impact on equality. Through flexible work opportunities, women, or other commonly prejudiced demographics, can choose the role, company, and lifestyle that matches their goals, regardless of age, geographic location, or familial status. Employers that implement flexible work policies and invest in women will see the benefits through their employees and businesses. 

Adapting to the changing workforce can be daunting for employers, but it should be considered part of their strategy going forward. In the early stages, companies need to train remote workers, measure success, and establish tools of communication. Taking flexibility programs to the next level to remain competitive and attract talent is the key to success in a market that is quickly developing and cultivating the next generation of the workspace.

Ready to dive into flexible working while living in a new city? Get started with Behere below!

Written By Katie Tatham; freelance writer, content creator, traveller and breakfast lover.

Cover photo by: Sam

Challenges Faced by Women Working Remotely (And How to Minimize Them)

Making the move from a standard office to a remote worker can be daunting. It’s a departure from the structure and social elements we associate with corporate life. We took a look at some of the challenges faced by women working remotely, and what they can do to ensure a smooth transition.

Create Structure

Creating structure is something both employers and employees need to address early on when establishing a remote team. The employer wants to ensure that enough work is getting done. The employee wants to make sure they are completing tasks, while maintaining flexibility. Managing expectations is key on both sides in creating a productive team. Ease your supervisor’s mind by staying connected. Make it easy to reach out with tools like Slack which make communicating your goals and team collaboration simple.

Finding Balance

Finding balance as a remote worker can be difficult, but is critical to not getting worn out. Working from anywhere means you likely can control your schedule. So tap into your most creative and productive hours, while ensuring your work time has an end. Stay accessible to your colleagues during office hours, but set boundaries of when you can be contacted. Women often feel a need to demonstrate their full commitment to their job, more so than men, but staying connected 24/7 is draining. All employees need time to recharge at the end of the day. Just because your phone is always on you, doesn’t mean you should be responsive at all hours.

Feeling Connected

Feeling connected to your colleagues and company culture can be difficult when you’re not sharing a workspace. Co-working spaces can be a good solution to this, as you may miss Friday happy hour or enjoying your lunch with a colleague. If you’re still craving that social scene, seek out other environments that have an established community like exercise classes or volunteer events that provide a sense of belonging and common interest. At Behere we not only establish that community of like-minded women, but provide avenues for women working remotely to connect through things you want and things you need when you’re out of your comfort zone.

Keeping Communicating

Keeping the lines of communication open is key to ensure you are connected with your coworkers, just as you would if you were in the office. Make sure you call into meetings to share what you are working on and let your colleagues know all of the modes of communication that make it easy to keep in touch. Avoid the question, “When will you be in the office next?” and encourage your team to not delay any meetings based on geography. 

Don’t be afraid to ask for training

Don’t be afraid to ask for training when you’re working remotely. You may feel like the space between you and your coworkers could deter training and job advancement, especially since almost half of women in the US feel that they receive less professional development and career growth than men. So continue to communicate your goals and voice your eagerness to learn.

Working outside of the standard corporate office can have drawbacks, but overall the flexibility makes for a happier, healthier and more productive employee. Women around the world are taking advantage of the remote lifestyle, where they find balance while loving their work and gaining experiences.

If you’re looking to make the switch to remote work or just become a better remote worker then head to our resources page.

Written by Katie Tatham – @kltatham (Canadian wanderer & outdoor enthusiast)

Inspiring Women Who Made Working While Travelling Their Reality

These inspiring women have made flexible lifestyles work for them

In 2017 we hosted our first women’s only coworking day event. If you read our post about our Women’s Only Coworking Space Popup Event you’ll know how wonderful the event and response to it was. We hosted it in Chiang Mai, Thailand and met so many inspiring women, we decided to share some of their stories. These women show it’s possible to create lifestyles you truly love, work from anywhere and thrive at it. Read their stories below!

Meet Lola: a full-time traveler and freelance writer  

Lola Méndez is a full-time traveler and freelance writer sharing her adventures on Miss Filatelista. She travels to develop her own worldview and has explored 53 countries. Passionate about sustainable travel, she seeks ethical experiences that benefit local communities.

“I left my life and career in New York City in March of 2015 and have been traveling and working remotely ever since. I decided to take off after being told I was up for a very competitive promotion and raise. When I heard the news I did not feel ecstatic. Instead, I felt doomed. I loved my role as a fashion publicist but knew there must be something more meaningful out there waiting for me in the world. I’d been working with clients that benefited various global charities and wanted to shift my lifestyle and career towards one that was more sustainable and allowed me to use my skills towards developmental projects.
I did exactly that when I worked pro bono as the communications officer for a women’s empowerment NGO in India for 3 months. I developed a relationship with and worked on the social travel marketplace’s business development and communications efforts. Through them I began to work with charities and other do-good organizations around the world to help them create tourism activities to support their causes. I also began to work with nonprofits in the travel sector directly to help share their stories on my blog, Miss Filatelista, and other digital publications. In 2018 I focused mostly on freelance writing gigs but am always open to projects that can benefit from my branding and marketing expertise.
Without traveling I wouldn’t be able to learn firsthand the unique stories that I get to share as a freelance travel writer. I am inspired daily by cultural phenomenons, local cuisines exotic flavors, traditional handicrafts, and the incredible people I’m fortunate enough to encounter around the globe. These experiences have allowed me to continue to support my travels by being paid to write about travel-related topics. But I am a traveler first and would never travel simply to sell a story. If I lost access to the internet tomorrow I’d simply find another way to fund my explorations.”
Follow Lola’s journey on InstagramTwitterPinterest, and Facebook.

Meet Lynn: an online English teacher and podcast host

Lynn Hulver is an online ESL teacher from the US, who also started her own podcast and hosts a podcast where she interviews women paving their own path.

“I think traveling and working from anywhere in the world seems like this weird, mystical unicorn that sounds great but isn’t actually possible long-term. The truth is anything is possible, you just have to decide what you want and learn from the people who are doing what you want to be doing.
I knew in college that Corporate America wasn’t for me, so I spent most of college researching unconventional ways of living. Then I became involved with Network Marketing, and though I realized it wasn’t for me, I’m grateful for it as it opened my eyes to the world of entrepreneurship.
Currently I’m teaching ESL online and building my e-commerce business. I’ve also launched a weekly, interview-style podcast showcasing young people who are living life on their own terms, to show others how they can do so too. I’m also a blog contributor for, which I love. This winter I spent 3 months in Thailand, a week in the Philippines, and then moved to Bali for spring! My goal is to show people my age, anything is possible.”

Meet Brenda: a freelance health and lifestyle writer

Brenda DeGroote is originally from the Netherlands and writes books and articles on healthy and plant-based lifestyles.

“As I child, I always had the dream of traveling forever, being free and unbound to a specific place. I love to discover new places, not knowing what is literally ‘on the other side of the mountain’. As a writer and illustrator, all I need is a pen and paper, a computer and WiFi. Just like that I realized, I could make my childhood dream come true. So I booked a one way ticket to the other side of the world.
To make this lifestyle possible, I write books and articles for several websites on health, food and a plant-based lifestyle. I love creative work, and it is helps enable me to focus more on my passion projects: monkeys and art (in progress).
Many women dream of traveling and exploring new places but I’ve found that most, come up with excuses not to pursue their dreams. Excuses like, “I’ll never be able to do that.” “My boss / job won’t let me.” “I don’t know how to do it.”
My response to these is; 1) don’t think you’re a special case – lots of people have done it, and you can too, 2) if you don’t like it, then just book a ticket back, 3) Tim Ferris’ overhyped bestseller book has some great tips, and 4) write down your dreams and make a plan for how to get there.
But remember: the most important of all is to book that ticket. Otherwise your ‘yea, ever’ will become a ‘nope, never’. Don’t be afraid, that is fantasizing in the wrong direction.”

Ready to join these inspiring women in living the way you want? Fulfill your dreams of travel and live in a new city for a month using Behere. Learn more about booking with Behere and our locations here.

How Remote Work Helps Shatter the Glass Ceiling

Why working for a distributed company can increase your opportunities for professional advancement – especially for women.

“Only 35% of women working in traditional office environments reported a promotion in the last year, while 57% of women working remotely reported the same.” – Ultimate Software’s 2019 State of Remote Work report

We asked Laurel, the COO of Yonder, to share her thoughts on remote work and female professionals.

Not surprisingly,
remote work is on the rise throughout the world. Choosing where you roll up your sleeves for the day includes a lot of perks, like arriving to the “office” in your jammies, clocking in as early or as late as you want, or logging in from a cafe. Yes, it can be just as relaxing and indulgent as you imagine it to be. But, it’s not just valuable for your ability to get your beauty rest. It can be equally as valuable for you to give your career the professional boost that you’ve been working so hard for.

Distributed companies are often based on a ROWE management strategy. This means leadership doesn’t care when or where you do your work, they care about your results. This doesn’t mean your boss will be insensitive (actually, most virtual companies have even better culture and relationships than co-located teams!). It does mean the barriers that have been supporting the glass ceiling are being hammered down. This is because the factors that contribute to discrimination are removed from your work environment.

Sound too good to be true? Here is a breakdown of how that ceiling becomes just a sky when your team is geographically dispersed:

Everyone wants flexibility, not just you.

Unwilling to relocate? Family responsibilities at home? Time off needed for hobbies? These aren’t sacrifices any more. They are standards. Almost everyone with a remote job is seeking a better work-life balance. Not only is it acceptable to take breaks, it’s celebrated. Trust me, no one will care when you tell your team you’re headed to the dentist at 2:00 pm, except to wish you luck.

Interaction is equal.

Didn’t get invited to lunch with the boss, or to the golf course with that big client? Good news: no one else did either. When you’re limited to virtual interaction, the playing field is levelled in terms of gender, race, religion, orientation, and physical limitations. You are just as capable of sending an email to that big fish as anyone else on your team, so go for it.

Evaluation is based on results, not time.

Managers have developed a reputation for being “head counters” because, in their mind, productivity means seeing heads in the cubicles around them. In reality, those heads might be focused on solitaire and Facebook. The future of work doesn’t include this loophole. We treat adults as responsible and self-disciplined individuals, so how many hours you spend in your chair is up to you. (Spoiler alert: It’s still usually around 40 per week.) Remote workers are able to work at their own pace and on their own schedule, as long as they meet their deadlines.

Salaries are based on industry averages.

Throw your salary discrimination complaints right out the window. In remote work, compensation is usually based on national averages. This is because Company A doesn’t want to change the compensation of Employee M based on the cost of living in the 10 countries they’ll be in that year. So the average is calculated, and… done. It’s as simple as that.

We often hear about the technological, economic, and sociological benefits of the future of work. We rarely hear about the impact on equality. What an incredible result to overlook! Women, or any other commonly prejudiced demographic, can now be empowered to choose the role, the company, and the lifestyle that matches their goals. This is regardless of their age, geographic location, or familial status. As long as you have (and are willing to develop) the skills it takes to be a great remote worker, you can have the freedom to excel in any professional role. And I hope that you do!

If you’re interested in transitioning to remote work, but have unique concerns or questions, visit YonderWith resources  including a podcastarticles, even one-on-one mentoring – they educate and support as you navigate into the future of work.

About the Author: Laurel Farrer works remotely from her new home in rural Connecticut so that she can balance her passion for business operations and event planning with her life of traveling, home improvement, and snuggling with her husband and two kids.